What is the best way for Gordon departments to give material to the Archives?


The Archives is pleased to accept departmental materials, both print and digital. Below please find our collection policies and best way to get us these materials:
  1. Print material can be boxed and sent via inter-campus mail to the Library (Jenks 3rd floor) 308 Library mail-stop. Please provide us the follow copies of print material: 
    1. At least one copy of materials such as meeting minutes, printed correspondences, and other documents of the department.
    2. At least three copies of event materials such as invitations, brochures, etc. We will take any copies you have of these items up to three. 
  2. Born-digital material can be shared via a cloud-sharing option. If the department would like to share files with the Archives, we will work with CTS to determine the best existing Gordon platform (such as SharePoint) for sharing these files. Please email [email protected] to start this process.


  • Last Updated Mar 29, 2023
  • Views 36
  • Answered By Sarah St. Germain

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